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File Uploads

File uploads

Thanks to its server based on GraphQL Yoga, GraphQL Mesh provides file upload support out of the box.

Similarly, just a few configuration changes will be necessary to forward file uploads to Sources.

Sources file uploads

The following Gateway integrates a "UploadFiles" Source that has file upload capabilities:

You will find the complete example in examples/graphql-file-upload-example/.meshrc.yml.

Custom resolvers file uploads

Custom resolvers, programmatically provided by additionalResolvers, can also support File uploads (ex: upload to S3).

For this, the only configuration step would be to define the File scalar to enable file uploads and our file upload Mutation:

  # …
  # …
additionalTypeDefs: |
  scalar File
  extend type Mutation {
    uploadFile(upload: File!): FileResult!
  - './resolvers'

Then the resolvers would look as follows:

import { Resolvers } from './.mesh'
const resolvers: Resolvers = {
  Mutation: {
    async uploadFile(_, { upload }) {
      const filename =
      const arrayBuffer = await upload.arrayBuffer()
      const buffer = Buffer.from(arrayBuffer)
      // upload file to S3...
      return { filename }
export default resolvers